Viewing Performance Metrics during a Testing Session
      • 24 Jul 2024
      • 1 Minute to read

      Viewing Performance Metrics during a Testing Session

      Article summary

      pCloudy allows users to see the performance metrics for the mobile application under test.

      Note: The performance of the user's app can be observed only for native/hybrid apps.

      Steps to enable and view the Performance Charts during a Testing Session

      1. The user first needs to connect a device for testing and install the application on the device.
      2. Now, the user can select the "Analysis" tab from the info Dock on the right and then click on the "choose app" button to initiate the performance analysis.
      3. User can then choose the application for which he/she wants to see the performance graph.
      4. This will start monitoring the live data usage, CPU & Memory consumption by the application on the given graph.
      5. The user can scroll over the graph to check the values present on the graph.
      6. The user will need to click on the "Logs" tab and click on the radio button to "Enable Logs."
      7. This will enable capturing the device logs.
      8. Next the user can click on the "Transaction" Tab and click on "Choose App" button to initiate the transaction.
      9. User can then choose the application for which he/she wants to capture a transaction.
      10. Provide a suitable transaction name, click on "Enable HAR" and click on "start".
      11. The user can click on "Stop" to stop the transaction capture and view it or start another.
      12. Once you have performed the testing, simply click on "Release."
      13. User can now choose "Back to Devices" or "View Reports" to access the test reports.
      14. Click on the bar charts icon to view the report or the "copy" icon to copy the link to the report to share with others.
      15. On viewing the reports, the user will be able to view all the testing metrics in a single page. The user can view various test analytics charts like CPU Usage, Memory Chart, Network Profile Data, Battery consumption and more.
      16. The user can toggle between app level view and detailed to get a quick comparison and insight into the various testing metrics.

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