Viewing Team Usage Statistics
  • 29 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Viewing Team Usage Statistics

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Article summary

How to view different usage stats?

When any user is granted with the Team Admin access, he/she can login and perform certain actions such as:

  • Viewing team usage stats
  • Viweing device or browser usage stats
  • Viewing usage history

Viewing Team Usage Statstistics

Admin can view usage history the team by following the steps below:

  1. Select Device or Browser
  2. Enter duration 'From & To' in the calendar
  3. Then select Export to CSV option.
  4. CSV report will be downloaded to your local system
  5. Details will appear as per selection

Viewing Device or Browser Usage Statstistics

Admin can view device/Browser usage history by following the steps below:

  1. Select Device or Browser
  2. Enter duration 'From & To' in the calendar. Details will appear as per selection
  3. Select Export to CSV option
  4. CSV report will be downloaded to your local system

Viewing Usage Statstistics of All users in Team

Admin can view usage statistics of all the users registered of the cloudby following the steps below:

  1. Select Device or Browser
  2. Enter duration 'From & To' in the calendar. Details will appear as per selection
  3. Select Export to CSV option.
  4. CSV report will be downloaded to your local system
  5. Details will appear as per selection

Note: Team members need to be registered with pCloudy domain

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