App Language Change
  • 12 Jul 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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App Language Change

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Article summary


In today's global, and multicultural, economy many users want to use their apps in their native languages. A new feature, released in pCloudy called "App Language Change", enables users to change the language in the installed application while testing the app.

Note: In both cases(Android and iOS) apps language will change only when installed apps support multiple languages.

Important Note:

This feature will work on both Android and iOS platforms. For Android devices, the device language will be changed and once the app is installed (if that app supports language change) then the installed app will appear in the language that is selected for the device.

For iOS devices, the pre-installed apps language will be changed in only those apps that support language change. In iOS you need to select a region as some apps behave differently based upon different regions.

Steps to Change App or Device Language

For Andorid Devices

  1. Connect to any android device on the platform.
  2. Select the "Language" icon under the "All Actions" Pane on the Left.
  3. Select the language you wish to change it to and click "Apply".
  4. A Success message will appear once the language has changed on the device.
  5. To verify, you can go to device settings to check Language and Input section.

For iOS

In iOS, language is changed for the app installed in the device. Some apps behave differently based on the selected region, we have provided Region field too.

  1. Connect any iOS device and click on the Language icon.
  2. Fill in the appropriate fields in the dialoge box.
    • Select Region.
    • Select Language.
    • Select ipa file.
    • Click on Apply.
  3. Refer the video for an example - "Region" selected as India, "Language" Hindi and "ipa" as TestFlight.
  4. Once complete a success notification will appear at the bottom of the screen.

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