Viewing Test Reports of Completed Sessions
  • 02 Aug 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Viewing Test Reports of Completed Sessions

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Article summary

Once a user is done with testing and release the device, a report is generated for the review. User can check it by navigating to the Report tab, selecting the desired session and clicking on icon present under action.

Pcloudy prepares below mention details for users to analyze:

Maximum CPU UsagePeak percentage of CPU capacity used by the app during the session.
Average Memory UsageAverage amount of memory consumed by the app during the session.
Maximum Memory UsagePeak amount of memory consumed by the app at any point during the session.
Average Battery UsageAverage percentage of battery consumed by the app during the session.
Maximum Battery UsagePeak percentage of battery consumed by the app at any point during the session.
Network UsageTotal network data downloaded and uploaded by the app during the session.
Application Not Responding (ANR)Number of times the app's UI thread did not respond
App CrashesNumber of times the app crashed during the session
Activity Load timeTime it takes for the app’s screen to fully load and become interactive
Graphics Processing UnitPeak percentage of GPU used by the app during the session
Maximum GPU UsagePeak percentage of GPU used by the app during the session
Average GPU UsageAverage amount of GPU consumed by the app during the session
SnapshotUser can check all the snapshot from here.
LogsUser can download check the logs of app under test.
VideosUser can view whole video of his/her app testing.

Steps to View Reports of Completed Sessions

  1. Simply navigate from Reports > All Reports > Select the test_file name >click on Action button for it.


  1. Select the desired session name and click on the icon present under action.
  2. The user will able to see the selected device details, Performance charts, logs, snapshots and videos for the session selected.
  3. If a user finds any bug while reviewing the report, he/she can directly use the Collaborate button to log a bug in JIRA.

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