User Management
  • 29 Mar 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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User Management

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Article summary


The User Management module empowers system-admin to manage newly registered users,manage teams,and change user profiles.


  • User should have a registered account
  • User should have System-admin access

1. Pending Registration

This enables system-admin to perform below mentioned activities

A. Approval of new user signup
B. Rejection of new user signup
C. Reapprove the Deactivated user
D. Rejection of Deactivated users

Important Note
  • Once a user is rejected, the user has to register again.
  • If system-admin don't take any action then it will show Approval Pending.
  • Once the system-admin rejects the user, the record will be deleted from the list and then he/she will have to register again and send a new user request to get it approved.

Steps to Approve and Reject Users:-

  1. Login to the registered account.
  2. Click on "Manage" as shown in below screenshot
  3. Then click on "System Admin" as shown in below screenshot.
  4. To “Approve” any new signup, click on the tick icon for a particular user.
  5. To “Reject” click on the Cross Icon for a particular user. Rejected user will be removed from the list

Steps to Reapprove/Reject deactivated user:-

  1. Login to the registered account.
  2. Click on "Manage" as shown in below screenshot
  3. Then click on "System Admin" as shown in below screenshot.
  4. To “Re-approve“ the Deactivated user click on the tick icon for a particular user
  5. To ”Reject” the deactivated user click the Cross Icon for a particular user. Rejected user will be removed from the list.

2. Team Management

Using Team Management, system-admin can create a team by promoting the approved user as Admin. While promoting a default team name will be assigned for the promoted admin

Important Note
  • System Admin can promote any approved user as a Team Admin.
  • Default assigned team-name can be edited by team-admin if required.


Click on "Create Team "as shown in below screenshot

A pop up will appear which consist of two fields
a) Select Admin:

  • It consists of the name of all approved users.
  • System admin can choose the name whom he/she wishes to promote as admin.

b) Team Name:
After selecting the name a default team name will be assigned which can further be edited by Admin

  • Here system admin can create up to 7 teams by clicking on the Create Team button.
  • Number of teams is configurable, as per the need we can increase or decrease the number.


3. Assign Role

This feature enables System-admin to assign another user as system-admin. This is needed to manage the cloud in the absence of current system-admin

Important Note
  • All System Admins have the same privilege.
  • There is an upper limit on the no of System Admins (e.g. 5).
  • There will be minimum one System Admin.
  • All System Admins will be informed by email if any action has taken place here at the System Admins level

Steps to add new system admin

  1. Go to Assign Role tab
  2. Click on the "Add System Admin" button. A pop up window will appear.
  3. Enter the email ID in the new window and click on "Add".
  4. To remove the system admin click on the cross icon under Action.

4. Users

This enables System-admin to view all registered users on the cloud.System-admin will get a list of all the users with their details like Email, Credits, Type(user type-admin,user,system-admin), Team Name and Action.

If the System Admin goes on leave then he/she can make any User/Team Admin as System Admin.

A) Steps to demote any user.(For e..g team-admin demoted to user.)

  1. Navigate to users tab


  1. System admin can filter the user list by their role. To do that, he/she need to click on All dropdown list next to the refresh button as shown in the screenshot below.


  1. In the drop-down list, System admin can select the role type, for example, if he/she chooses Admin then it will show a list of all the Admins only.

B) Steps to Demote any registered user

  1. Under users tab system-admin can get a list of all the users with their details like Email, Credits, Type(user type-admin,user,system-admin), Team Name and Action.
  2. Click on (down-arrow) icon present under Action tab to demote the current user type.
  • If there is a single Team Admin in a team then that Team Admin cannot be demoted unless the team is dissolved.
  • System admin can also Demote a Team Admin to a lower role by clicking on the down arrow.
  • System-admin cannot be demoted

C) Steps to Deactivate any registered user.

  1. System-admin can see a list of all the users with their details like Email, Credits, Type(user type-admin,user,system-admin), Team Name and Action
  2. Click on “Deactivate” present under Action tab to deactivate
  • Once the user is deactivated, the record goes to Pending Registration
  • Team admin having can first be demoted and then deactivated

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