Capability Configurator
  • 12 Jul 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Capability Configurator

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Article summary


pCloudy has redesigned the capability section. Our redesigned Capability section enables pCloudy user to generate Appium desired capabilities directly as per filter selection (e.g. OS, Automation type, etc.) The generated capability can be copied and pasted directly into their Appium script. We tried to make it more simple and user-friendly.


  1. Login to your registered account.
  2. On the "Start page" navigate to "Capabilities" in the tools section as shown in below screenshot.
  3. On the Capabilities Configurator Page, you can select OS and the Automation Type.
  4. Next, you can you can enable different capabilites like Capturing Logs, Enabling local testing or Wildnet, Capturing Video, and capturing Performance Data.
  5. Next, you can you can enter the Device Details such as region, Device Full name, Manufacturer or Device Version.

Note: It is advisable to select the Device Manufacturer and Version instead of the full name as this will help fetch available devices quicker for a smooth execution instead of specific devices that might not be unavailable.

  1. Once you have selected the Device Details, simply fill in the Duration of the execution in mins, selection the App from the drop down, please ensure that you have uploaded the app beforehand on the My Data. The app package and activity.
  2. Click on Generate Capabilites, once all the details are filled in.
  3. The Capabilities will get generated according to the details and specifications that the user mentions. A success notification will appear as well.
  4. Now you can simply click on the Copy icon to copy the Capabilites and paste it in your appium script and execute the program.
  5. To startover for a different specification or scenario, simply hit the reset button on the bottom and follow the same steps as mentioned above.

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