Set up a scalable 200 device cloud infrastructure for one of the biggest telecom players

About Client

With more than 2.8 million users in India, the telecom player had a large device set of more than 5000 devices managed manually. It has a range of more than 15 consumer apps in categories like music, movies, TV, chat etc and each having more than 100 million downloads on Android. Each app is managed by different teamswith a separate lab, devices and tools.

As the telecom industry is truly moving towards content and digitization, there is a growing need for effective and efficient app testing to make their apps meet Quality@Speed.

Company Size:
15,000 – 20,000

Business Challenges

The company had been going through some major challenges as listed – Dealing with multiple mobile handsets manually affected its productivity. It also increased their expenses. Existing mobile devices were not optimally utilized among the teams spread across the nation but they did not want to go with externally hosted services. With large user base, the telecom player comes up with offers, features, promotions quite frequently with a short and fast pacedFeature Release cycle (i.e. Sprint). Many scenarios of the apps require testing with SIMs. Manual Testing falls short to cover comprehensively in-time and had dire need for automation.

Our Solution

We offered them an On premise offering in terms of setting up a cloud of 200 mobile devices which is scalable upto 500+ devices. It is a one-of-its kind scalable infra that pCloudy helped the client in setting up on their premises to meet their needs for a robust testing mechanism. The client chooses pCloudy because of the ease of set up, the ability to meet their stringent security requirements, and ourability to integrate their custom automation frameworks.


By trusting pCloudy, our client can ensure quality at speed to deliver their services through the app.Some of the benefits they got are – They can optimize existing devices across different teams 24×7. With access to a unified platform – they have saved significant time in manual and automation testing. They can schedule automated runs in a continuous integrated mode and also during regression tests. Our solution is helping them to move to DevOps kind of environment thereby reducing the release time significantly through automation. SIMs are available in the central lab accessed by all the teams spread across the nation. They can now do large scale simultaneous load testing through real devices.