pCloudy Platform
This article explains the options available on device page. These options will help you use the devices effectively on pCloudy platform. pCloudy is a feature rich platform and supports whole lot of features to ease your device interaction. There are many single click options to speed up your testing on devices. On connecting to a device, You will see many icons in the top pane.
Lets understand what each of these icons/features does for you.
Capture high resolution screen shots with the skin of the device
Change the orientation of the device to Landscape and portrait
Open the browser from the list of preinstalled browsers
Use the extended keyboard if you want to enter some text on the device. However, for Android ver 5.0 and above you can directly enter the text from your system keyboard
Check the stack trace (crash logs) if the application is crashed
Zoom in/out the device shown on the screen
Click to Re-connect if the device shows black screen
Extend the session if the device is available
Wake up the device from sleep mode or push the device to sleep mode
pCloudy’s Device Settings tab has lot of commonly used features and device interactions. Some of the key features to test are Network, Location and Audio.
Lets see those in details.
Switch ON/OFF wifi
Manage your apps on the device
Throttle network to simulate different network conditions
Teleport the device – Set any location of the earth on the device
Open Device settings on the device
Open play store on the device
Open developer options on the device
Send audio commands to the device for testing applications which supports audio commands