What’s New With Release 4.3?

pCloudy 4.3


  • User can directly send input to the pCloudy Android devices by using their system keyboard.
  • CPU and Memory graphs on iOS.
  • New Improved Automator Page.
  • Automator now works on devices for all region
  • Live view for the Automation run for devices from all region
  • Bug Fix: Remaining Credits now revert back after an Appium session finishes earlier than booking expiration time.

Click Here to check our Previous Release.

Avinash Tiwari

Avinash Tiwari is a thought leader, a recognized keynote speaker, and the co-founder of pCloudy.com. He has 15+ experience in Product development and Testing. He brings with him a passion for emerging technology and quick adoption, both of which have solidified his reputation as a leader in the mobile app testing field.