= Connectivity Check for Public Cloud

Connectivity Check for Public Cloud

This document will address connectivity issues that users face when using pCloudy's public cloud. It also acts as a guideline to new users who will be using the public cloud.

Connectivity check for Web Access for Manual App Testing

Please ensure that the URLs/IPs mentioned below are allowed on the respective network that you use to connect to the pCloudy platform.

  1. URL - https://device.pcloudy.com

    IPs -,,

  2. URL - https://us.pcloudy.com

    IPs -,,,,,,,

  3. URL - https://blr-in.pcloudy.com

    IPs -,

  4. URL - https://wildnetserverservices.pcloudy.com

    IP -

  5. URL - https://wildnetservices.pcloudy.com

    IP -

Also Please ensure that the below mentioned port numbers are enabled to use the wildnet feature on the platform.

  • 80 -- HTTP
  • 443 -- HTTPS

Watch the video and try following steps to check the device connectivity.

If you get “Device Connectivity Error”, the following WebSocket needs to be enabled.

WebSocket Enabling

To connect the device from device.pcloudy.com we use WebSocket communication. Within the firewall allow below URLs from the browser to use WebSockets.

  • https://device.pcloudy.com
  • https://us.pcloudy.com
  • https://blr-in.pcloudy.com

Connectivity check for Automation Access

Curl must be allowed for the URL (device.pcloudy.com) using CLI. This is required for use of pCloudy REST APIs. We have mentioned the steps to allow the curl on your computer system. Please follow steps to allow the curl in your respective computer OS.

  1. For Linux/Ubuntu:

    Open terminal and enter the command curl https://device.pcloudy.com. Refer to the screenshot below for the expected output.

    first app test
  2. For Mac OS:

    Open the terminal and type the command https://device.pcloudy.com. Refer to the screenshot below for the expected output.

    first app test
  3. For Windows OS:

    Open the command prompt and type the command curl https://device.pcloudy.com. Refer to the screenshot below for the expected output. Incase you need to install curl in the windows, click here and follow the steps accordingly.

    first app test

Port and URL Access from the user's system to the device cloud farm (URL’s/Public IP’s)

80 – HTTP

443 – HTTPS

2222 -- Device tunnel

URL access- https://*.pcloudy.com