= Run Tests using Jenkins - pCloudy documentation

Run Tests using Jenkins


pCloudy has released a plugin for Jenkins which provides access to the platform for performing automation testing of mobile apps from within Jenkins on real devices.


  • An account in pCloudy with enough credits.
  • An API Access key for authentication with pCloudy.com
  • Chrome Browser on local machine
  • Jenkins installed on local machine
  • Download Jenkins pCloudy plugin
  • Make a note the API Username and API Access Key

Steps to install the plugin:

Steps 1.Launch Jenkins in a Web Browser.

manage jenkins

Steps 2.Navigate to Manage Plugins.

manage plugins

Steps 3.Click on the Advanced Tab.

Advanced Tab

Steps 4.Scroll down to Upload Plugin -> Click Choose File -> Browse for pCloudyJenkinsPlugin.hpi

upload plugin

Steps 5.Click on Upload, and wait for the pCloudy plugin to be installed.

Steps 6.To run automation test execution from Jenkins using pCloudy’s mobile device Cloud

Steps 7.Launch Jenkins in a Web Browser.

Steps 8.Select New Item.

select new item

Steps 9.Enter a Name for a project, select Project Type and Click on "OK".

enter a name for project

Steps 10.Navigate to Build -> Add build step -> select Execute Test Suite on pCloudy.

navigate to build

Steps 11.Execute Test Suite on pCloudy will open a form.

Steps 12. enter the Authentication details for pCloudy.

execute test

Steps 13. enter Execution details.

enter execution details

a) CLI Path is a path where the test scripts are located. It can be in exe or jar format.

i. CLI Path for exe "C:\xyz.exe %USERNAME% %CLOUDURL%"

ii. CLI Path for jar "java -jar C:\xyz.jar %USERNAME% %CLOUDURL%"

Eg: java -jar C:/Users/user/Desktop/pCloudy/Jenkins/TestMunk-Automation.jar %CLOUDURL% %USERNAME% %APIKEY% %APPPATH% %DURATION% %DEVICES%

b) App Path is the location of the .apk or .ipa file

c) Duration is the total time required to execute the entire test script

Steps 14. Select Devices.

Select Devices

Finally, once configuration is complete click on "Save" or "Apply".

Running Automation Execution

The Build can be triggered automatically as soon as a change is made, or can be manually triggered by clicking on "Build Now".

Viewing Console Output

Select the current project.

select the project

Select a Build from the Build History.

select a build

Select Console Output.

select console output console output

View the Reports.

The complete execution reports can be viewed in HTML format.

Scroll down to the end of a Build's Console Output.

View the reports

The complete execution report will be available in the path provided in the Console Output.