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5 Best Practices App Testing Companies Must Follow for Success

May 9th, 2018 by

App Testing Companies Must Follow


Today, the world is earnestly dependent on mobility devices and so is their dependency on the mobile applications. The number of smartphone users are expected to reach 3 billion by 2019 out of which India alone covers half a million. So, it becomes impertinent to have an extremely practical mobile application strategy to make the usage of it more effective. Unless the mobile application is acceptable and extremely compelling to the users, it becomes inconsequential to even trade in it. So, there is a huge responsibility on the shoulders of Mobile application companies to assure the accessibility, security, purpose and usability of the mobile application to make it noticeable and engaging enough in long term.


pCloudy is fully equipped cloud based platform with a strong principled approach to tackle and heed the performance of today’s robust mobile applications. Following are the 5 best practices to count on for successful mobile app testing:


1. Master Plan
2. Device Testing
3. An early stage testing move
4. Crowd Sourced App Testing
5. Automation


1. Master Plan: A common plan is what will drive the team towards the ultimate business goal. Defining the testing approach, the effort, the timeline and the expected results would solve a lot of anticipated problems in different testing phases.


2. Device Testing: Some important points in context to devices are:

  • Testing on every possible device is what looks promising but is impossible. So, testers have to be smart and cover the largest market with largest sample size.
  • Testing on real devices is what is going to be the reality check and is going to give a better idea of the challenges and the convenience of the general usability of the app.
  • Test on more than one OS version to check interface compatibility and consistency.


5 Best Practices App Testing


3. An early stage testing move: Testing early ensures quality and makes the application more favorable in the market as per the new approaches in mobile application development. To minimize the defects at later stages, testing efforts should start at the early stages of mobile app development life cycle.


mobile app development life cycle


4. Crowd Sourced App Testing: The best platform to employ the benefits of cloud which allows global pool of experts from all over the world to be utilized for incomparable testing practices and performance saving both time and money.Not to be considered as a replacement of traditional testing but it has some obvious benefits of testing in real world conditions and without investing in full-time testers. With more participation,feedback and reporting actions, crowd testing has become a reliable and most sought practice today. With the help of pCloudy’s global crowd, testing has become an easy ballgame ensuring app testing in different environments with different network bandwidth, on different devices and on time delivery.


crowd source


5. Automation: Test Automation is what a machine does much faster and with less error than humans. This approach would save a lot of time, cost and would provide great return on investment but for reaping all these benefits, this has to be properly planned as it involves good investment, training and cost of trained resources and tools.If the objectives are undefined, it can lead to wastage of time and resources.


Mobile app testing is facing challenges in terms of changes in networks, operating systems and of course devices. So, the functioning and performance of the mobile applications becomes the prime focus. Selecting the best tool and the reason of doing so is very important. A strategy with clear objectives would be an informed move and a savior in this decision making process.


In the end, all we have to keep in mind is the user is happy using the app and is able to fulfil the purpose. All of this cannot be achieved by an individual but by the effort and strength of the team of both Developers and testers. There can always be brainstorming and learning from failures but the real game can be played by having a strong unified strategy.


pCloudy is a market leader in mobile app testing providing a wide range of MAT services. It has the most powerful mobile app testing platform which gives you a chance to access to real Android and IOS devices in a single click. Connect with our expert team to build a customized MAT strategy for your mobile application.

Future trends getting bigger for mobile apps in e-commerce industry

April 5th, 2018 by

Future Trends


Living in a technological era has forced entrepreneurs to adapt to current market and technology trends. Mobile is one such driving force that is propelling enterprises to another level.


E-commerce industry is so vast that it needs a proper channel or platform to reach a wider spread of audience. Android and iPhones both have turned to be largely used platforms used by people across the globe.


Consumers of ecommerce industry today use their mobile devices in numerous contexts like – making a purchase anytime, anywhere, browse and get details about a product while shopping in store. A mobile app serves as a bridge connecting all channels and touch points between a retailer and a customer which they together leverage to get a great and seamless shopping experience. Let us have a look at the trends that tend to set the future of mobile apps in e-commerce industry.


A Rising Influx of Mobile Shoppers

Just as smartphone usage and sales continue to tick upward, mobile shopping is likewise expected to rise. Mobile devices currently account for 19% of all ecommerce sales in the United States; however, the figure is projected to rise to 27% by the end of 2018, according to an Invesp report. This influx of mobile shoppers also presents new challenges to merchants, though. Though desktop driven ecommerce sales may be plateauing, but data from Comscore shows that online sales are booming as a whole. Sales from mobile devices are now leading the charge with an annual growth rate of 59% that eclipses desktop 17%.


Mobile App Testing Trends
Source: Invesp report


More Prevalent Storefront Apps

In a response to the aforementioned challenge of appealing to mobile buyers, expect to see a new wave of mobile “storefront apps” to reach buyers on-the-go. This trend goes hand in hand with the need for merchants to have omni-channel presence, as well. Given that mobile users spend 86% of their time within apps versus mobile sites, perhaps branded native smartphone shopping apps are the key to converting those once-fickle customers.




After all, if a customer is willing to go through the effort of downloading a mobile app, chances are they’re loyal and trusting enough to make ongoing purchases. “App commerce” platform Poq recently found that storefront apps outperform mobile web conversion rates by 40%, support longer browsing sessions than even desktop web browsers and are twice as likely to drive repeat visits. This all makes sense given the game-changing functionalities that storefront apps offer, which include superior content personalization opportunities, push notifications and geo location-integrated brick-and-mortar shopping recommendations.




Poq’s compelling solution, for one, offers a centralized content management system that merchants and marketers can use as a unified data hub that uses an API to automatically sync with analytics platforms, payment gateways, customer review platforms and more.


Boom of app adoption in Indian market

Over 80% of buyers surveyed in India now prefer using apps over mobile browsers to shop on phones, compared to the global average of around 70%, according to a report published by payments technology firm Worldpay. At an average download of 10 mobile apps per day, India has been far ahead and is a thriving market beating its rival U.S and U.K. where the average downloads are 7, the report added. Indians downloaded 12.1 billion apps last year, dethroning the US’s app economy (11.3 billion).


India's App Market is Booming


Getting the app experience right can yield handsome rewards for e-tailers. After all, according to the Worldpay report, one in three Indians spent more than Rs4,000 ($62) on their last purchase. Tapping the right market will be the key to their success for e-tailers.




Nobody can truly predict the future in regard to ecommerce. However, these current trends will continue to heavily influence the space for the time being. One thing that is inevitable for the evolving e-commerce industry is that they should maintain the highest quality apps with fastest time to market. The best strategy would be to test the apps on multiple real devices with different OS versions and on different parameters on a cloud based platform that can deliver better quality apps faster. pCloudy is the ideal full lifecycle digital testing cloud based platform to test all the mobile and IOT apps.


Manual, automated and crowd testing can be done on both iOS and Android devices. These tests can be run on a public cloud, on premise or a dedicated private cloud as per the need. Both Selenium and Appium tests can be run on pCloudy. One of the biggest advantage of it is that it can be integrated with Continuous Integration systems.


Sign up on pCloudy and test your apps to believe what we say.

Accelerated Mobile App Testing powered by pCloudy

September 6th, 2017 by

Accelerated Mobile App Testing

When it comes to the more favorable app in the market, the true measure of a developer’s success is the app’s retention rate. An app has to have the right mix of touch, feel and design for the best user experience that represents your business value; as well as the functionality and performance true to the needs of the user and his device health.

With touch devices everywhere now, more than 3 million apps for those devices are available for download and the numbers keep on increasing. App users are increasingly demanding too. When reports have shown that Android users are far more likely to uninstall apps than iOS users for a number of reasons, it becomes easier to collate it with the information that currently Android users are more than four times the market share of iOS devices. Both have a duopoly of 99.6 percent in smartphones. At the same time, unlike iOS, Android is pretty fragmented. Which means, your app must be compatible with tons of device versions and Android versions.

deleteHence, more and more businesses need to churn out apps for their growing users, and developers having to churn out more and more apps faster, with qualitative inspection of each application that shouldn’t lag, crash, have bugs or glitches, drain phone memory or battery and work anywhere in the world from a smartphone. Added to that, 70 percent of apps get deleted by users within a couple of minutes of their installation.

That’s a tall order!
And technology is the only way to sway the game in our favor.
If your app has to compete on the qualitative level of a 5 star rated app in the app store, it needs a thorough and quick check before you hit the launch button. In-house testing within companies can only do so much, there aren’t enough device in-house, there is a lack of right tools or the testing cycles take far too long to make it to the market before ten new apps pop up in the app store. Low ratings, mean low revenue.

How pCloudy is changing the game
Machines and intelligent technology are the newest recruits to the workforce in the world. We at pCloudy have always worked with an approach to apply technology to exponentially enhance the ability of individuals, teams, and businesses.

pCloudy’s helps you create the magical combination of your internal workforce and intelligent platform. With pCloudy, your teams get a wide spectrum of the latest Android and iOS devices in the market to maximize testing coverage, cognitive software bots to run quick, thorough checks on your App and the power of the crowd so that you are aware of what your users think about your app.

pCloudy process

pCloudy has developed a Single Click App certification feature within its platform enabling testers to deliver on faster test cycles for users whose attention span is shorter & shorter with every bug, crash, drain or slip that an app can suffer from. Reality check is critical for every developer. So is the need for it to be quicker.

Today pCloudy is working with global companies who have often realized not just the growing potential of the market, but also the need for a crucial wing for testing with pCloudy’s platform. This is probably due to a growing desire from companies across sizes to fully understand the buyers experience consistently.

Watch out this space as we unveil the power of pCloudy’s Test Cloud over next couple of weeks.

Mobile App Testing Tools to Improve App Quality – pCloudy Tutorial

July 25th, 2017 by

Mobile App Testing Tools to Improve App Quality


Mobile is the key to the digital world in today’s era. The rise of Mobile Internet has ensured that we all are going to make most of our digital decisions on a Mobile device (primarily using an App). Mobile Apps are going to be everywhere.

One of the biggest challenges for App Development teams is to ensure that their Apps works on the variety of devices. They need their apps tested on multiple devices before it is released to the market, simply because of the plethora of devices available in the market.

Each mobile from each OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) with different specifications is a unique device where the application should be tested.

Practically it is not possible to test the application on each and every mobile device available in the market. But the app must be tested on a large set of the devices depending on the market segment of App under test.




pCloudy is a cloud-based remote mobile app testing platform which allows testing of Android and iOS mobile applications on remote REAL devices. It allows the user to do Manual testing and also facilitate to run test automation on multiple devices in parallel.

It provides a whole lot of statistics like session video, device logs, Screenshots, data usage, memory usage, CPU usage, battery consumption and frame rendering count. The devices are also equipped with Real Operator SIM’s to make MO/MT calls and can receive and send SMS.

Preparing for Manual Test

Before we start the test on pCloudy, we recommend uploading the test application, test data or even test suites to the cloud drive provided by pCloudy. This is the secured location for each user.

Click on the Upload button and select the file from your local system through file explorer. After selecting the file select upload and the file will be uploaded to your cloud drive.

MyApp Data
You can also manage the cloud drive by download. These applications can be installed on the devices as explained below.

Performing Manual Test remotely

Based on test requirement, you can search for any specific device by using the filters provided at pCloudy.

(Note: Click on any image for enlarged view)

Search device using filters

You can access any device for Instant Access. Also, you can book the device for a longer duration for your planned testing using “Book your Device” link.

After selecting the device just click on the “Connect to a device” button to connect to the device. The below device page will be displayed with all the supported features.

Device Information

The device is displayed in the middle pane with some features on the right, left and top pane.

  • The Left pane where the device information is displayed, followed by other tabs like App/Data, Device Settings, Debug and Automation
  • The top pane with handy features & a timer to show the remaining time & wake up the device and release the device back to the cloud.
  • The right pane to view the device logs and Performance vitals for application under test.

How to Install the application on the Remote Mobile device?

  • Install from my App data – enables user to upload app on device.
  • Push to Device – This feature allows you to transfer your test data to the device.
  • Upload App – Upload and install an app from your local system.

Install APK on Device

Once the application is installed you can test the application on REAL Remote Device the way you test the application with the phone in hand. You can use the mouse to give touch gestures to the device. You can click the button, drag the screen or double tap the image.

While doing functional testing on the remote device, you can also monitor the device logs next to the device. Please start the logs from the right page and start monitoring the logs next to the device.

Device Logs

All Mobile App Testing tools at one place: One of the biggest advantages of pCloudy platform is it provides performance statistics like Memory Usage, CPU Usage, Battery usage, Data usage & frame rendering count of the application under test without any extra efforts by the test engineer.

To view this vital statistic on pCloudy platform, please select Performance tab -> Choose an APP -> Select the application under test.

Select an app

Start navigating through the application to complete the function test flow.

On the right pane, you will start seeing the important vitals of the performance.

Performance Metrics

On the left pane, you can expand the device settings. All the important frequently used applications are made available to use on the device.

Device Settings

You can perform below actions on the remote device:

  • Reboot the device remotely
  • Toggle the Wi-Fi connection
  • Adjust the volume of the device
  • Manage the Apps
  • Open Developers options
  • Open Play store
  • Open Device settings
  • Use Set Phone Location

If your application under test is a location aware app and if it reads the geo-location from the device to provide the necessary results, “Set Phone Location” feature can be used to inject any location on the earth to the device and the device will be teleported to the selected location.

Once you select the “Set Phone Location”, the platform shows the google maps and you can select the location of your choice on this map. The same location is injected to the device.

Other key features during manual tests

Key Features

  • You can capture high-resolution screen shots with the skin of the device
  • Change the orientation of the device to Landscape and portrait
  • Open the browser from the list of preinstalled browsers
  • Use the extended keyboard if you want to enter some text on the device. However, for Android ver 5.0 and above you can directly enter the text from your system keyboard.
  • Check the stack trace (crash logs) if the application is crashed
  • You can navigate the application with the buttons
  • Zoom in/out the device shown on the screen
  • Reset the zoom level to bring the device to default size
  • Extend the session if the device is available
  • Wake up the device from sleep mode or push the device to sleep mode
  • Release the device back to the cloud



Under reports folder, you can see the entire device session data for all the devices you used. You can find Videos & Logs (by default platform generates), screen shots and performance data if selected by the user.

All Reports

Running test automation remotely

pCloudy platform supports test automation on multiple devices in parallel. Below test frameworks are supported for Android platform.

Automation Testing

You just need to select the Test platform, Choose the application under test, Test Suite, time to run on single device and test cycle name.

The biggest advantage of this platform is it generates performance vitals for your test automation scripts without you adding any hooks in your scripts. Otherwise, you will be using multiple mobile App testing tools to achieve the same result.

Once the above data is provided, user can select the devices on which the test automation to be run. Once the devices are selected, the user can schedule the test cycle.

Device for automation testing

The platform will book the devices on your behalf and will start the test automation as soon as the devices are available. Once the execution is over, the user will be notified with an email and user can see the test reports.

APPIUM Test Automation

You can run the Appium test automation scripts directly from Eclipse or Android Studio. The platform provides the plugin for both the IDE’s. Simply copy a small piece of code to your driver code and run the project, select the devices on which this tests to be run.

The “LIVE VIEW” feature will allow you to monitor the test automation runs through video streaming on the platform.

appium test automation


Live view for automation
Live view – To see the automation happening on devices

Live View on devices

Automation Test Reports

All the test automation reports will be available under Reports folder.

Automation test reports

The reports will open in another tab with video, logs and performance data.

Appium Reports

To view the performance data for each device, please click on the device icon for each device.

Performance Analytics

Opkey Integration

pCloudy has seamless integration with OpKey, which is a zero code multi-channel automation tool. A unique combination of Mobile App Testing Tools for manual and Automation testing.

OpKey allows single click recording and generation of automated scripts for Mobile Apps.

OpKey Integration

You can run the automated scripts on multiple devices on pCloudy directly from OpKey interface.

run the automated scripts

Advance Features:

pCloudy also provides many advanced Mobile App Testing tools like Network Virtualization Tests, Device Tunnel (access of devices from Developer IDE and Jenkins Integrations).


The quality of App is extremely important for its success in the market. Right devices and right mobile App testing tools are critical ask from every Mobile Dev and Test team. pCloudy with its comprehensive set of devices and tools could be a perfect companion to every Developer and Tester.

Integration of TestNG Project with pCloudy Platform

July 11th, 2017 by


TestNG is a testing framework inspired from JUnit and NUnit but introducing new functionalities that make it more powerful and easier to use.

It is an open source automated testing framework; where NG of TestNG means Next Generation. TestNG is similar to JUnit, especially when testing integrated classes.

TestNG eliminates most of the limitations of the older framework and gives the developer the ability to write more flexible and powerful tests with help of easy annotations, grouping, sequencing & parameterizing.

Benefits of TestNG

There are number of benefits but from Selenium perspective, major advantages of TestNG are:

  • It gives the ability to produce HTML Reports of execution
  • Annotations made testers life easy
  • Test cases can be Grouped & Prioritized more easily
  • Parallel testing is possible
  • Generates Logs
  • Data Parameterization is possible

Architecture of the testNG framework

TestNG Framework


pCloudy platform provides single click access to real Android and IOS devices directly from your browser. Use these real Mobile Devices to click-and-perform Manual Testing and execution of Automation Testing for your App. Integrate our platform with CI for continuous Automation Testing and test your App on multiple real Mobile Devices with every change of your App.

Now it’s very much simple to integrate your existing TestNG project with pCloudy.

Architecture of the TestNG framework with pCloudy

Architecture of Testing Framework with pCloudy

Prerequisite to integrate framework:

  • TestNG Project or Download sample framework code
  • Steps to integrate:

    1. Add pCloudy connector jar in your existing project

    pCloudy Java Connector

    2. Add Controller class in existing project


    3. Add DeviceContext class in existing project

    Device Context

    4. Add a list, which contains the classes that you want to run, pCloudy username, pCloudy API key & application path in Controller class.

    Create A ListUser Authentication with pCloudySelect APK in pCloudy

    Controller class

    • contains public static void main methods.
    • helps to create dynamic testng.xml file with selected device test.
    • runs testing.xml as testng target.

    5. In TestNg class, add code to launch appium under @BeforeClass, @BeforeMethod annotation according to your project:

    @Parameters({ “myDeviceContext” })
    public void beforeClass(String myDeviceContext) throwsConnectError, IOException, InterruptedException {
    DeviceContext myContext = Controller.allDeviceContexts.get(myDeviceContext);
    try {
    myContext.driver = newAndroidDriver(myContext.endpoint, myContext.capabilities);
    } catch (Exception ex) {

    6. In TestNG class, add code to quit driver under @AfterClass, @AfterMethod annotation according to your project:

    @Parameters({ “myDeviceContext” })
    public void afterClass(String myDeviceContext) throws ConnectError, IOException {
    DeviceContext myContext = Controller.allDeviceContexts.get(myDeviceContext);


    7. In TestNG class, add code to close pCloudy appium under @AfterTest annotation according to your project:

    @Parameters({ “myDeviceContext” })
    public void afterTest(String myDeviceContext) {
    DeviceContext myContext = Controller.allDeviceContexts.get(myDeviceContext);
    try {
    } catch (ConnectError | IOException e) {

    8. Run the TestNg framework execution by running controller class as java application.

    Create support ticket; if you have any issues our expertise will help you.

    Keep Automating…

Memory Leaks & Memory Consumption by Mobile Applications

June 28th, 2017 by

Uncover Memory Leaks by Mobile Apps


Mobile apps can often crash for many reasons. Nothing is as excruciating as memory leaks. It starts with your app crashing often, or becoming slow or maybe making your entire phone slow down, taking longer time to load activities. Memory leaks are notoriously hard to detect, and thus can easily surprise you. Have we ever thought why most of the users uninstall the application after some use?

Which is why it is critical for Developers to understand the memory consumption by any mobile application. How do you detect memory leaks during Mobile Application Testing? And if so, how can you prevent them from hogging mobile resource consumption?

A little knack for Mobile Application Testing always comes handy.


mobile application testing
Figure 1: Image Credit- GadgetHacks


Want to test your Mobile App?

Join pCloudy Platform!

Memory is critical to device


Memory is one of the key resources of the mobile device.And memory leaks in Android is an important thing to be kept in mind. Java is a garbage collecting language, which removes the need for developers to dig deep to manage allocated memory. This reduces the chances of any segmentation fault crashing an app or any unfreed memory allocation from eating up space of the heap area, thus creating a safer code.


However, a garbage collector is never an insurance against memory leaks. There are other ways by which memory can be leaked within Java. This means that your android mobile application is still pretty prone to wasting unnecessary memory allocation and crashing with out-of-memory (OOM) errors.


Figure 1: Image Credit- Toptal


Why are Memory Leaks Bad?


Cause: Memory leaks occur when some variable of the application still has references to some objects that are unnecessary, no longer in use or used to be with the app anymore, is bloating the allocated memory heap and the Garbage Collector is not being able to release that memory.

Effect: Android devices mostly run on phones with limited memory, so as a result of too many leaks, the app runs out of available memory. This triggers more frequent Garbage Collector events which paralyze the device (Stop-the-world GC events) by almost stopping the rendering of UI and processing of events. This leads to an Out of Memory Exception and translates to the user as the app being unresponsive.


Android App Testing


Testing for Memory Leaks


Memory Leaks are caused by the failure to not be able to de-allocate memory that is no longer in use, which is why they cannot be identified during black box testing. The best phase to find the memory leaks is when developers are developing the application, at a code level.

It’s best to check for memory leaks during unit testing. However, testers can follow these tips:


Release Unused Memory: Memory leaks can be present because of the bad design of the application and thus might consume lot of memory when the application is in use


Test on Multiple devices:The memory consumption by the application should be monitored while doing the system & functional testing. One shouldn’t rely on a single device testing as there are plethora of devices in the market.


Detecting Memory Leaks

There are quite a few techniques and tools devised by developers to pin point memory leaks. Android’s very own Android Studio has a powerful tool to monitor not only memory usage but also for network, GPU and CPU usage as well, called the Android Monitor.

Memory Monitor in this helps track memory usage, find de-allocated objects, identify memory leaks and helps get an overall sense of how your app allocates and frees memory. It’s done in three steps:

1. During and use and debugging of app, track the memory monitor. If the memory usage graph rises for your app and doesn’t fall even if put in background, it’s a memory leak.

2. Using the Allocation tracker, you can check the percentage of memory allocated to different types of variables in your app. This gives you a sense of how much memory is consumed by which object.

3. Create a Java Heap Option to create a heap dump that keeps a snapshot of the memory at any given point of time, thus providing the data consumption data.

Despite Android’s monitor to detect memory leaks, there are a few platforms from developers that help extract memory consumption data without so many steps for faster testing cycles.

pCloudy’s very own platform for example, generates the statistics for Memory consumption while doing the normal functional Mobile Application Testing on real mobile devices.It also generates other vital data such as CPU consumption, battery consumption & data consumption for testers and developers who reiterate several test cycles across multiple physical devices.


mobile application testing
Figure 1: Image Credit- Android Developers Studio

Want to test your Mobile App?

Join pCloudy Platform!

Tips to Consider While Creating a World Class Mobile Testing Lab

May 22nd, 2017 by

How to create a world class Mobile Testing Lab?


It can be a big challenge to build a large scale Mobile Testing Lab from scratch. Look around you and you will see that with every single day, companies in adding mobile apps in their business strategy and with it the mobile app dev and testing market is becoming increasingly competitive, dynamic and fast paced. Older testing methods are becoming obsolete and the utter multiplicity of mobile platforms, devices and networks have made it important for any company to choose the right solution (Mobile Testing Lab) in order to strengthen themselves in the market.

While creating a testing program for these mobile applications can seem like a relentless chore and a massive undertaking, it doesn’t really have to be. Here are a few considerations to choose the right lab strategy for testing your mobile apps.


Key Considerations:


• Compatibility of Device OS, Screens and OEMs: The sheer number of different device variants, OS versions and screen resolutions form a large set of factors even though each of them are significant in their own rights. In 2012 there were about 4,000 Android device models on sale. 2015 saw about 24,093 distinct Android devices. Question is, can the lab I choose, cover maximum number of devices and come close to 100 percent of my end users’ device base?


mobile labs


• Device Control Infrastructure: After you select your target devices, it is also key to look at the other parts of a reliable architecture of your hardware. Regardless of the technology to be used in building the device lab, one needs servers to control and take care of managing devices and execute tests. Moreover, it is crucial for these servers to collect, process and store results of the tests seamlessly and without interruption.


mobile testing lab


A snapshot of Infrastructure needed to create a Mobile Device Lab


mobile testing lab


Facebook Device Lab Infrastructure


Click Here to know about pCloudy Device Cloud Infrastructure


• Wi-Fi Infrastructure: This is another very crucial area that is often ignored when creating large-scale test lab. As the number of device in a WiFi network adds up, so do problems when all these devices transferring data at the same time. Most WiFi access points are not designed for this kind of bandwidth and you are bound to see different types of timeouts on server responses.


• Importance of Automated Testing: The very obvious benefit of automation of testing of mobile devices on the cloud is that through this one can carry out tests on a wider range of OS and devices in a much shorter time and with lesser life-cycle management investment. This not only significantly reduce QA spending, it also expands coverage and speeds up the resolution of issues. You can use a single script and apply the same on different devices and operating systems.


Integration with CI/CD pipeline:


Today, almost all organizations have mobile apps and for some, the mobile app is their only way of interacting with customers. With this increasing emphasis on mobile, the pressure to routinely update mobile apps means embracing Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) methodologies. Any Mobile Labs has to support the CI/CD process.


5 Tips to build a successful lab:


1. Using Real Devices
2. Tackling Multiple Devices
3. Using a Secure Mobile Device Testing Cloud
4. Automation Strategy
5. Increase Lab efficiency by integrating with your existing tool ecosystem


1. Using Real Devices: Some Devs/testers are using emulation technology for compatibility testing. However, it has been proven beyond doubt that testing on emulators is often not reliable. Real devices help you and your team to find real bugs in your App before customers do. It is only way to have a confident App release and increase the chances of success of your test lab.


2. Tackling Multiple Devices: With thousands of different devices, it can be a bit overwhelming when building a mobile testing lab that encompasses the coverage of testing in all of them. Luckily, the major mobile operating systems use logical screen sizes which are mapped to physical screen, hence, the representative devices will get the necessary coverage. The test strategy is not to test absolutely everything, but to test the crucial elements that are most represented in the popular devices in the market, and add or subtract devices as they come in and out.


3. Using a Secure Mobile Device Testing Cloud: Using a secure cloud is vital to enterprises, especially if they aren’t located under the same roof. Testing real devices for everything can become really costly and time consuming. Using a testing cloud keeps your budget in check, reduced project cost and thus helps achieve high return on investment. Be it public cloud for small businesses, or large enterprise projects that demand a private cloud infrastructure, high performance and security are essentials to have complete control over the cloud.


4. Automation Strategy: Creating Regression Automation suites once Application is ready is a passé. Agile methodology and CI/CD process demands automation creation in parallel to development. Automation strategy should be built keeping above aspect in mind.


Here is a depiction of what the automation process should look like.


Mobile Labs


As part of Automation Strategy, Mobile Testing Lab should provide the capability to allow automation run on multiple devices in parallel.


5. Increase Lab efficiency by integrating with your existing tool ecosystem: A lab is as good as how well can it be integrated within existing ecosystem. Can it integrate with your Test Management system or can it log bugs automatically after a failure? Can it integrate with your build management tool for CI process? Here is a depiction of how “Test Tools” fit in the larger ecosystem.


Mobile Testing Lab


Conclusion: A well thought strategy for setting up of Mobile Testing Lab is a necessity for every organization undertaking Mobility projects. In current times, organizations have plethora of choice related to setting up of Mobile Testing Lab. They can choose to setup an In-house lab or use a private-hosted service or use a cost effective Public Cloud lab.


Would you like to know more about Lab options with pCloudy? Click Here

Test Your Apps in Different Network Environments

March 23rd, 2017 by

Test your Apps

Did You Know?

Test Your Apps function differently in different Network Environments

There might be a whole set of bugs you probably are marking as “Cannot Reproduce” simply because you are thinking “Hmmm… Funny, it seems to works here”.

The App you tested in your lab environment will not work the same way when you use it in an elevator, or in a basement, or while you are travelling on a highway. These are probably a whole set of testing scenarios you probably haven’t thought of.

You Can do now

Test your Apps

Mimic different real network environments that impact app functionality and performance


Create different Network Profiles and test you apps on multiple Network Environments

Test your Apps

Identify and rectify functional and performance issues


Modify various parameters like bandwidth, packet loss and latency during testing

Key Challenges in Testing Mobile Applications

November 7th, 2016 by

Key Challenges


Testing Mobile Applications

Did You Know?

October 3rd, 2016 by
